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About us
About Us
The Team Black Angel is a free association, without any profit, of players of Assetto Corsa, a Simulator of car races of the Italian house Kunos Simulazioni. Founded in April 2006 by Diego, we have always witnessed its growth, both for the number of contacts ...
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- ACI Esport: L'Innovazione nel Mondo degli Sport Elettronici – Introduzione L'industria degli esport è in costante crescita e la Italia sta rapidamente emergendo come un centro di eccellenza per le competizioni di video...
- Migliori Siti Italiani di SimRacing: Tornei e Community –,, FNR Community e SPQR SimRacing Il mondo del sim racing ha visto un'esplosione di interesse negli ultimi anni, con una crescente c...
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- Come Diventare un SimRacer – Come Diventare un SimRacer Diventare un SimRacer è un viaggio affascinante che combina abilità, strategia e passioni per il motorsport. Questa recensione...
Server rules
Server rules
Server Rules
The forum is a virtual place whose free access is allowed on condition that users accept this regulation and, in any case, respect the ideas of others.
Any prohibition, obligation, right or duty, charge or faculty recognized to the user is aimed at regulating the correct and orderly development of the virtual community.
The Forum is not the provision of a service, but the enthusiastic and voluntary commitment of many enthusiasts like us.
Each section is placed under the direct responsibility of the Administration or of one or more moderators, who guarantee its serene and good performance.
The moderators operate according to common sense, on the basis and in compliance with these Forum Regulations and the individual directives received from the Administration or commonly decided.
The work of the Administration and the moderators is unquestionable. It is always allowed to ask for explanations regarding their work, exclusively in private form.
The user must avoid topics deemed unsuitable for the spirit of the forum, contrary to morality and modesty, or in any case capable of offending the sensitivity of other users, such as, by way of example but not limited to, discussions regarding pedophilia.
After registering with the community, the new user is invited to participate as soon as possible, presenting himself in the appropriate section. Those who do not participate will be canceled.
Avoid posting duplicate messages in the same or different sections. Before sending messages, check the section responsible for the topic.
Any personal dispute must be resolved privately.
Users should report any infringement of the regulation to the administrator via private message.
Users who register must be involved and active: after 15 days from the date of the last post entered, the user is "frozen" and access to the sections is blocked.
it is forbidden to damage, by any means and in any form, the reputation of the members of the forum.
it is forbidden to conduct "wars of opinion" or to follow up on polemical flames.
It is forbidden to publish messages for the sole purpose of taking the sides of one or the other of the contenders in a discussion, without making a constructive contribution.
it is required not to be intolerant with those who commit syntactic or grammatical errors; the writer is required to improve their language in order to be comprehensible to the community.
It is forbidden to publish messages regarding any problems concerning or within the exclusive competence of the Staff, including disputes about the sanctions adopted for the violation of the rules of these Regulations.
it is forbidden to request the cancellation of accounts or single messages.
it is forbidden to publish messages containing:
a) political propaganda or proselytism in favor of any political or religious current.
b) offenses or claims of superiority or inferiority of race, nationality, religious or political opinions, sex, profession, personal and social conditions;
c) sarcastic, mocking or denigrating criticisms against EVERY religion;
d) messages containing attitudes or positions of objection clearly hostile towards the Staff or any of its members;
e) incitement to non-compliance with this regulation;
f) images, videos and links deemed obscene and offensive to the common sensibility.
It is forbidden to publish the content of private messages - whether they are private messages from the forum (PVT), e-mail or other types - without the permission of the author and any third parties involved or mentioned in the message.
Do not post advertisements or communications that have not been explicitly solicited and ONLY in the appropriate section (so-called spam).
Sanctions are adopted at the discretion of the Administration.
The violation of the above rules involves the modification of the message or the closing of the thread, where a more serious sanction is not foreseen. Depending on the severity found, the Administration will be able to proceed with the formal recall.
Any violation of the law will be reported to the competent authorities.
Any other regulatory provision published on the forum is to be understood as an integral part of this regulation.
- IMP: Law no. 547 "Art. 615-ter. (Unauthorized access to a computer or telematic system).
Anyone who illegally enters a computer or telecommunications system protected by security measures or remains there against the express or tacit will of those who have the right to exclude it, is punished with imprisonment for up to three years.
Server rules created / updated by: McRobert Stand: 14.09.2024